VICI Metronics acquired the Random Technologies company and now offers their Teflon AF product lines. Random Technologies LLC is a manufacturer of Teflon AF products and is a DuPont licensed Teflon AF fabricator. Founded in 1987, Random Technologies markets Teflon AF products, specialty fiber optic products, and consulting and contract R&D services.
Random Technologies LLC has over 10 years of experience in working with DuPont's family of Teflon AF materials. Today we are the world's only manufacturer of windows, rods, plastic optical fibers, and large-diameter tubing made from these unique and marvelous materials. In addition to these products, we also supply small-diameter tubing, sheets, films, and coatings. All of these products are available in both Teflon AF 1600 and Teflon AF 2400. Some products may also be available on a custom basis from special varieties of Teflon AF such as Teflon AF 2200 and Teflon AF 1230. Presently all the Teflon AF products we make are made to order, but overrun is available in many product categories.
See brochure for more information on these products: BROCHURE