Dynacalibrator Model 235

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This CE-certified calibrator has a touchscreen setup and operation, providing automatic temperature control and flow rate. With temperature control accuracy of ±0.01°C up to 110°C, you can obtain concentrations ranging from PPB to PPM.

The Model 235 dynacalibrator contains two mass flow controlled (MFC) systems: the carrier system and the dilution system. The carrier gas system is typically a fixed flow that passes through the permeation chamber containing the permeation device. The chamber's temperature controls the permeation rate of the calibration gas from the permeation device and is tightly regulated to provide both accurate and precise results.

The chamber temperature is adjusted from 30°C (or 2°C above ambient, whichever is higher) to 110°C. The carrier stream mixes with the permeated gas in the chamber and is then fed forward to the mixing tee.

In standard models (below)[reference product image location], the dilution gas stream is controlled and measured by the diluent MFC and feeds forward to the other side of the mixing tee. The mixture of the carrier and diluents is then fed to the distribution tee, which allows the flow to move to the Span Out and the Overflow bulkhead connectors for distribution.

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Purchase of a Dynacalibrator qualifies you for a discount on permeation devices

CE Compliance – To request a copy of the compliance certificate, contact support@vici.com.

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